The Woodsfellow Institute for Couples is dedicated to helping couples enjoy life together.
Affair Recovery & Jealousy
Affairs make marriage much harder, but many couples do succeed at recovering from infidelity.
Learn MoreLove & Respect
Discover how to respect your partner's truth, creativity, and decision-making, and make a place for love in your lives.
Learn MoreLeave, Break Up, Divorce
When is it time to separate? Learn about our approach to deciding whether to leave, break up, or divorce.
Learn MoreAngry Fighting, Verbal Abuse
Conflict is inevitable in any relationship. We all know that. But we need to make our conflict positive, not negative.
Learn MoreHurt & Lonely Feelings
When you feel hurt and lonely in your marriage, it may be time to seek help and find ways to move forward.
Learn MoreDealing with Narcissism
Narcissists — as in the Greek myth — are so focused on themselves that they have trouble seeing anybody else.
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"We are loving each other like never before. I feel like I'm finally figuring out what it means to be a husband, and she feels the same about her role as a wife. Thank you for challenging me."
The Woodsfellow Institute for Couples
Atlanta, GA
1099 Roxboro Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30324